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21. How do I sign in?

To sign in, click on the Menu button on your mobile phone (button is on your phone, outside the GameTanium app). Select the Sign In option then enter you GameTanium user name and password. If this is the first time you have signed in from a new phone, you…

22. Test Article 1

When attempting to play a game you receive "Error 7090: Oops! There is another game already running. Please be sure to close it before you proceed". This usually occurrs if the previous game didn't close properly before trying to play another. Please follow…

23. What Payment Methods are available? How secure is my personal information?

All major credit cards are accepted as a valid form of payment. When the charge appears on your monthly credit card bill, the description will be 'PLI*Exent Technologies Inc.' GameTanium will never have control over your personal billing details as that information…